Pytest plugin

cwltest can also be used as a Pytest 7.x or 8.x plugin. The CWL test filename must end with .cwltest.yml or .cwltest.yaml.

In this case, the simple command:

cwltest --test conformance_xxx.cwltest.yml --tool cwl-runner


pytest conformance_xxx.cwltest.yml --cwl-runner cwl-runner

Command Line Options


usage: pytest [--cwl-runner CWL_RUNNER] [--cwl-runner-verbose]
              [--cwl-badgedir CWL_BADGEDIR] [--cwl-include CWL_INCLUDE]
              [--cwl-exclude CWL_EXCLUDE] [--cwl-tags CWL_TAGS]
              [--cwl-exclude-tags CWL_EXCLUDE_TAGS] [--cwl-args CWL_ARGS]
              [--cwl-test-arg CWL_TEST_ARG] [--cwl-basedir CWL_BASEDIR]
--cwl-runner <cwl_runner>

Name of the CWL runner to use.


If set, don’t pass –quiet to the CWL runner.

--cwl-badgedir <cwl_badgedir>

Create badge JSON files and store them in this directory.

--cwl-include <cwl_include>

Run specific CWL tests using their short names separated by comma

--cwl-exclude <cwl_exclude>

Exclude specific CWL tests using their short names separated by comma

--cwl-tags <cwl_tags>

Tags to be tested.

--cwl-exclude-tags <cwl_exclude_tags>

Tags not to be tested.

--cwl-args <cwl_args>

one or more arguments to pass first to tool runner (separated by spaces)

--cwl-test-arg <cwl_test_arg>

Additional argument given in test cases and required prefix for tool runner.

--cwl-basedir <cwl_basedir>

Basedir to use for tests

Converting cwltest options to pytest options

The table below details all the available command conversions between the two formats.




YAML file describing test cases

--test conformance_xxx.cwltest.yml


CWL runner executable to use


--cwl-runner CWL_RUNNER

Specifies the number of tests

to run simultaneously


-n CORES [1]

Automatically scale the number of tests

to run simultaneously


-n auto [1]

Only run one test at a time

(good for debugging cwltest itself)

-j 1

(or leave out -j)

-n 0 -s [1]

Time of execution in seconds

after which the test will be skipped

--timeout TIMEOUT

--timeout TIMEOUT [3]

List tests then exit



Run specific tests using their short names


--cwl-include TEST_NAME[,TEST_NAME…]

Exclude specific tests by short names


--cwl-exclude TEST_NAME[,TEST_NAME…]

Tags to be tested

--tags TAG[,TAG…]

--cwl-tags TAG[,TAG…]

Tags not to be tested

--exclude-tags TAG[,TAG…]

--cwl-exclude-tags TAG[,TAG…]

Path to JUnit xml file

--junit-xml PATH

--junit-xml=PATH [4]

More verbose output during test run



Additional argument given in test cases

and required prefix for tool runner


--cwl-test-arg ARG_NAME==ARG_PREFIX

Arguments to pass first to tool runner

cwltest -- ARG [ARG …]

--cwl-args "ARG [ARG …]"

Only test CommandLineTools



Show all tags



Store more verbose output to JUnit xml file


--cwl-runner-verbose [4]

Specify classname for the Test Suite

--classname CLASS_NAME


Differences in the XML output

cwltest --junit-xml output

  • top-level <testsuites> element has the elapsed time, and counts (errors, failures, skipped, and total)

  • singular <testsuite> sub-element the same attributes as the top-level <testsuites> plus name which is the basename of the YAML test file

  • each <testcase> element has the follow attributes

    • name: the doc string

    • class: the tags

    • file: the test ID

    • url: like “cwltest:conformance_tests#1” (contains the basename of the YAML test file)

    • time: the elapsed time

  • <testcase> elements always contain the following sub-elements, regardless of outcome

    • <system-out>: the output object

    • <system-err>: stderr (docker pull, other warnings, and errors)

  • <testcase> elements for failed test cases do not have a <failure> sub-element

pytest with cwltest plugin XML output

  • top-level <testsuites> element has no attributes

  • singular <testsuite> sub-element has the same attributes as the cwltest XML version along with these additional attributes

    • name: default is pytest (can be customized with the pytest INI option junit_suite_name)

    • timestamp="2023-01-08T11:39:07.425159"

    • hostname: the hostname of the machine where the tests ran

  • inside the <testsuite> is a <properties>..</properties> element with two <property name="…" value="…" /> elements. But this does not work with pytest-xdist.

    • runner: the name of the CWL runner

    • runner_extra_args: the value of –cwl-args`

  • each <testcase> element has the following attributes

    • classname: always the name of the YAML file (conformance_test_v1.2.cwltest.yaml)

    • name: the test ID

    • time: the elapsed time

  • <testcase> elements for failed test cases do have a <failure> sub-element with a message attribute containing the cwltest.plugin.CWLItem.repr_failure() output. This text is repeated as the content of the <failure> element. The presensce of <system-out> and <system-err> sub-elements varies. [4]